The tutoring aspect of the internship has slowed a bit, however I do hope there will be a slight rush of students requiring our assistance as we approach finals week. I’ve been trying to work ahead in all my other courses to make sure that I’ll have enough time to devote to helping students if needed. This time of year is also a bit busier for my kids since the end of the year usually means testing, field trips, concerts, and parties so worst case scenario, I’ve made it easier on myself to participate in those activities.
This week Owen and I have focused on preparing our presentation for the Hands-On History Internship Showcase that is scheduled for the end of the month. Thus far, we have a mostly completed script and a first draft of the Power Point presentation we will present during the showcase. We have coordinated to meet via Zoom this coming Monday to do a run through of the script to ensure we adequately achieve our time goals as well as to work out any kinks in our presentation style that we may run into. I believe we will probably be meeting weekly until the showcase to practice so that we can give the best presentation possible.
Since our internship so far has involved the same general tasks, we will be presenting in a symposium style, with each of us taking turns presenting back and forth. Building the script ahead of time has allowed us to ensure that we are each presenting an equal amount of time as well as the aligning with the timeline goals. We are trying very hard to coordinate our efforts for the presentation so that we can best highlight the benefits of the History Lab internship.
On an unrelated note, I’m still waiting to hear back regarding the decision of the committee for the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship. I’m on the edge of my seat awaiting news as I’m very hopeful to begin my research on the cultural climate of Southern white supremacy in Central Florida during the Jim Crow period specific to the “Lost Cause” mentality and the social interactions of Northern transplants and locals in relation to a particular occurrence that happened in Greenwood Cemetery. I don’t want to give too much away, but I do think there is a great deal of research to be done on this topic and that it could be very meaningful for Central Floridians. Additionally, I recently registered for my summer classes and I was able to get a spot in Dr. Scot French’s History of the South since 1865 which will align perfectly with my research. At this point, I’ve decided that whether or not I am selected for the fellowship that I’ll be starting the research. When it’s published someday, I think you’ll understand why.